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sort LIST
Sorts the LIST and returns the sorted array value.
Nonexistent values of arrays are stripped out. If
SUBROUTINE is omitted, sorts in standard string com-
parison order. If SUBROUTINE is specified, gives
the name of a subroutine that returns an integer
less than, equal to, or greater than 0, depending on
how the elements of the array are to be ordered.
(The <=> and cmp operators are extremely useful in
such routines.) In the interests of efficiency the
normal calling code for subroutines is bypassed,
with the following effects: the subroutine may not
be a recursive subroutine, and the two elements to
be compared are passed into the subroutine not via
@_ but as $a and $b (see example below). They are
passed by reference so don't modify $a and $b. SUB-
ROUTINE may be a scalar variable name, in which case
the value provides the name of the subroutine to
use. Examples:
sub byage {
$age{$a} <=> $age{$b}; # presuming integers
@sortedclass = sort byage @class;
sub reverse { $b cmp $a; }
@harry = ('dog','cat','x','Cain','Abel');
@george = ('gone','chased','yz','Punished','Axed');
print sort @harry;
# prints AbelCaincatdogx
print sort reverse @harry;
# prints xdogcatCainAbel
print sort @george, 'to', @harry;
# prints AbelAxedCainPunishedcatchaseddoggonetoxyz
See Also:
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Written by Dave Pearson